
Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 4

After speaking with my site supervisor this week, I almost had a heart attack!!!

My campus did not do well in Indicator 4 of the TEA accountability system.  This indicator has to do with ACT/SAT scores, participation in AP programs, graduation rates, and drop-out issues.  We discussed at length the fact that this was a critical area for our campus and were considering scrapping my original ARP and moving to a plan that would focus on Indicator 4.  After much stress on my part and much understanding on hers, we agreed to leave my current ARP in place and make some changes to my internship plan activities in order to address the campus needs in Indicator 4.

We reviewed the plan and agreed to proceed with the plan as written and made no revisions.  Whew!  The original plan is below.  I hope that you never have to go through my experience today!!!
Action Planning Template
Goal: To increase student achievement and lower discipline incidents through increased school/home communication.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Parents will complete a survey regarding their expectations and needs for contact between the school and themselves during the school year. 
Terra Timmerman
August 2013 and January 2014
Survey Monkey or Google forms
Gathered information will be disseminated to freshman teachers and will be used to guide communication
Distribute email addresses, phone numbers and tutorial opportunities to students.

Terra Timmerman

Ninth Grade teachers
August 2013
January 2014
List of email addresses, phone numbers, and tutorial availability

Google Form
Teachers will report that the information was given to students
Teachers will create accounts in for each of their classes and will solicit students and parents to sign up for the free service. 
Terra Timmerman

Ninth Grade Teachers
August 2013
January 2014

Information sheets for parents and students
Teachers will have students sign up in class and information will be sent to parents via email and paper communication.  Timmerman will also be enrolled in each class to document communication
Campus accounts will be created for Facebook, Twitter and

Terra Timmerman
August 2013
Access to websites

Each site will be promoted during “Meet the Teacher” and “Freshman Orientation” Involvement will be solicited and monitored.
Using Facebook, Twitter and accounts, parents will be informed of state testing, extra and co-curricular events and school events
Terra Timmerman
August 2013 – may 2014
Access to media websites
Parents will join the selected media options and will provide feedback via survey.
Identify and compile a representative sampling of students (40-50) who mirror the content of the freshman class as a whole with regard to demographics and sub groups.
Terra Timmerman

Campus Administration
August 2013
Access to demographic records for freshman class
Study group will be identified and followed through the school year then compared with class performance as a whole.
Teachers will utilize each week or as needed to communicate with parents about homework, and upcoming events in classes. 
Terra Timmerman

Ninth Grade Teachers
August 2013 – May 2014
Access to technology
Timmerman will be a member of each class and rosters of subscribers will be documented. 
Teachers will utilize a class calendar that will be shared with students and parents

Terra Timmerman

Ninth Grade Teachers
August 2013 – May 2014
Google Calendars
Teachers will compile, update and distribute calendars bi-weekly to keep students and parents informed.
Teachers will report parent contact and outcomes through Google Forms
Terra Timmerman

Ninth Grade Teachers
August 2013 – May 2014
Google Forms
Reports on Parent Contact
Parent contact for sample groups will be recorded and documented to be used in analysis
Gather and analyze academic progress each six weeks
Terra Timmerman
August 2013 – May 2014
Access to academic performance data
Track academic performance in conjunction with parent contact each six weeks to identify trends and outcomes.
Using comparative data analysis, compile findings to deduce whether increasing the amount of school/home communication positively impacted academic and discipline
Terra Timmerman
August 2013 – July 2014
Access to academic and discipline records for both sample cohort and freshman class as a whole
Compare status of credit earning and state assessment data along with discipline data of those in the survey group and others with the previous freshman class.  Conclude whether increased communication was effective in increasing academic success and lowering discipline incidents.
Survey parents at the end of the year to solicit feedback about their experience in the 2013-14 school year.
Terra Timmerman
June 2014
Survey Monkey or Google Form
Compile parental responses and evaluate parent satisfaction with efforts of the study.
Distribute findings to administrative team
Terra Timmerman
July 2014
Compile an overall report to be distributed to and discussed by the administrative team.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. I understand how this could be stressful! Luckily my campus is not rated in Index 4, and we made index 1-3. We even got the distinction in two of those three. Anyway, having to change your ARP is probably more realistic than you realize. Principals are always having to change stuff at the last minute. Be glad you're a student and that you get to stick with the original plan.

  2. I would have had a panic attack, but it sounds like the two of your handled it well! Thankful for you, the plan stayed the same. Your plan looks very detail oriented which will definitely help you when the time comes to start implementing the plan. Good luck and can't wait to see your results

  3. Wow!! The good thing you are still with your original plan.
    I know how stressful it can be but just think about the great experience you will get out of it.
    Your plan looks good and specific!

  4. All in all, great week! You got to keep your original plan as you desired it, and you were brought into the "inner circle" of your campus. This is where change occurs. This is where leaders are shaped. Spend as much time as you can with your principal, learn as much as you are wanting that job, or at least one like it. Volunteer for as many committees, etc, as you can. The more varied your experience the better! I hope that you have a great weekend.

  5. It's probably going to help you and your campus more that your internship plan is going to change to cover some of the issues you and your principal addressed. Remember it is a living document.
    As far as your ARP is concerned it looks good. Its well thought out and very defined. Good luck with the participation I am sure this year will prove to be quite educational for all of us.
